After applying to acquire some shares at the local CSA at Amy's Farm about a month ago, some shares opened up and I was able to get 2 shares which are enough to feed my large family. It's so exciting to have fresh produce and know where it was actually grown. And to also think that I'm contributing to our local agriculture and helping to keep some farms in the area. This is also going to make me stretch as a cook. Thank goodness for the internet and it's plethora of recipes. It's the greatest for finding recipes for the strangest things.
In this week's basket we received kale, parsnips, beets, green onions, a salad bag with spinach and arugula, a bunch of marjoram and basil, regular and purple broccoli and napa cabbage.
So what have I used so far. The first night I used one bag of the salad greens, added some feta and dried cranberries and use a red wine vinegar dressing. Next I needed to find a way to use the kale. I've never eaten or used kale so found some interesting recipes and went with one from Amy's Farm newsletter. It was called Basket Fried Rice, so I ended up using a bunch of the onions, 1 head of the napa cabbage and 1 bunch of the kale. Rich and the guys like it, I would have liked it better if I would have used my usual stir fry sauce instead of just soy sauce. Tonight we are using the beets, roasted, the beet greens, sauteed, and the parsnips, sauteed in butter, yum!
We just finished dinner and the beets were great. I love the way they came out, roasting really brings out the sugar in them. Added a little balsamic vinegar and I was in heaven. The left-overs are going to be great cold.
Tomorrow I think I'm going to make a Chinese cole slaw with the Napa cabbage. Then we will only have some kale and broccoli left. Then I'll have to see what awaits me in the baskets next week.