WOW!! I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since my last post. It's been a busy 3 weeks. So what's been going on? Lots!
The house has been decorated for Christmas. The tree is up and trimmed. The baking was done. I even tried some new recipes and they turned out great, especially the Space Dust cookies. These are going to be a staple for my Christmas baking. Presents were bought and wrapped. I actually had all the gifts wrapped early this year. That left me time to get ready for family company on the 24th. It was great to see my brother, his wife and their son. Also my niece and her 2 kids. It was a fun evening with lots of food and games.
I received some really great news earlier this month. As I had posted in a previous post I was working towards sending in my application to Judy Neimeyer Quilting to become a Certified Instructor. Well I finally got the email that I'd been waiting for, I was accepted into their Instructors Program. I will go to Montana for my training the end of August 2012. It seems so far away, but I know that I will be busy making samples and teaching in the mean time.
What have I been doing in my studio, well lets see. I got the top for my friend done and now just have to get the back ready, then I'll take it to Diamond Girlz, my friendship group, next week to get it basted along with some other tops for customers that need to get quilted.
I've finished Parts 4-6 of the Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay Mystery. When you get all the parts laid out that we've done so far you can tell it's going to be a great quilt. I can't wait to see what this quilt is going to look like.
Was Santa good to you? He sure was good to me. For Christmas I got a Toshiba Thrive tablet. I'm having lots of fun learning how to use it. I haven't loaded that many apps on it yet, but just give me some time.
It's a quiet week this week. It's kinda nice that way, the week in between Christmas and New Year. Time to adjust getting back to some normalcy after all the hustle and bustle of Christmas. Time to think about the New Year and what will be coming in the year ahead.
Now it's time to go play with my new toy!
Happy New Year
Always stitchin',